
Self Esteem And Self-Esteem

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Self-esteem, also known as self-respect, is the confidence in one’s worth or abilities. Low self-esteem is the opposite or lack of confidence in one’s own worth. Self-esteem is shaped throughout one’s life, it will increase and decrease throughout life but with essentially remain at the same level. Self-esteem has both positive and negative affects depending on if an individual has low or high self-esteem. There is more research on the effects of low self-esteem because it usually has to most negative effects on someone’s health. Self-respect can also influence one’s decision making, people with low self-esteem generally make poor or unwise decisions due to lack of confidence. Bullying can be caused by low self-esteem or causes the development of low self-esteem. Someone who does not have high levels of self-confidence may try and belittle others to feel better about themselves; being bullied can in turn cause someone to feel bad about themselves, therefore, causing low self-esteem. Ultimately, low self-esteem has been known to negatively affect someone’s health, it can cause anxiety, depression, or lead to drug usage. Self-esteem has been studied for decades, by focusing on the development, self-imagery, effect on decision making, bullying, and the negative effects that follow the high or low levels of self-esteem we are able to unravel how self-esteem effects our lives and how we can change our own self-esteem. In a research article, done by Ulrich Orth and Richard

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