
Semiautomatic Firearms

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A Gun Is A Gun Is A Gun Right?
You have seen the articles, the top 20 firearms all Preppers need, or the five best self defense handguns, or here is a list of the best rifles or shotguns for home defense and the lists go on. Confusing, and you probably did not learn anything, and you may feel somewhat slighted, because you do not have any of the guns that the so-called expert was stating emphatically that you need.
It is not the firearm, but the person using it, and then the reason that person wants a firearm that is the deciding factor. Let's face it; any firearm that can put a round downrange is better than throwing a lamp at someone. Do you know how to decide?
From a purely mechanical and technological standpoint, today's semiautomatic pistols are superior. Not too long ago if someone mentioned handguns you automatically thought revolver. The ever steadfast revolver, while they differ somewhat, the mechanics have remained the same throughout the …show more content…

There is a reason however, why most militaries around the world carry semiautomatic pistols and not revolvers and many in law enforcement carry them as well.
Keep in mind some semiautomatics are Double Action (DA) and Single Action (SA). Once a round is chambered from the slide action, the hammer is back. From this point you can de-cock it to make it double action or leave the hammer back for single action. After the first round subsequent shots are of course single action, because the slide is forced back to eject a shell cocking the firearm each time.
The revolver is not going anywhere, because people grew up with them, it may have been for many their first handgun that was handed down. They do have advantages over semiautomatics and there are disadvantages as well. You do not have to choose, because you can have both as long as you become proficient in their use. You do have to consider who will be using the weapon and who may have access to the weapon as

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