
Separate And Unequal

Decent Essays

America’s Education System: Still Separate and Unequal
The United States has made great innovations in the past century to ensure that all people have the same chances to better themselves. While steps have been taken to bring about equality from Roe v. Wade to legalizing same sex-marriage in every state still more can be done—especially in the field of racial inequality. Even with the steps taken in the 1960s with Magnet Programs such as bussing, which would transfer children from one district to different school district for interrogation proposes, racial inequality was ever present –sustainably in the case of the intercity school districts of Seattle and St. Louis. The Magnet Programs purpose were to take intercity schools and interrogate …show more content…

The most evident issue between minority students and Caucasian students is not that they are not learning the same concepts, but that they are not learning how to deal with the same problems in correct ways. An article published by Andrew Rotherham in 2009 suggests, in order for racial inequality to be eliminated from the education system, educators must use their leadership skills to teach the students critical thinking and problem solving (4). The critical thinking and problem solving will put all students on a common ground thus, eliminating racial …show more content…

No President has made more innovation on the concept of educational inequality than President Johnson did between 1963 and 1969, who implemented sixty new programs such as the Emergency Educational Assistance Act (EEAS) and Integration Programs. However, President Johnson knew that simply bringing students together into one school without understanding the cultural background of the other student's would have more harm than potential benefits creating , the civil rights agenda movement.. According to Gary Orfield, the co- director of the Harvard’s Civil Rights project, changing attitude toward educational inequality is essential, and that drilling basic skills in today’s students is not working anymore (261). Also, Orfield refutes that new agendas must be implemented into schools which not only brings down barriers but also change racial practices within schools

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