
Examples Of Servant Leadership In Healthcare

Better Essays

Doug Parker
BHA 315
April 4, 2012
Christian Worldview in Servant Leadership in Healthcare
Professor: Zonzie McLaurin

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This paper is about implementing servant leadership into healthcare. It gives insight on how to use servant-leadership qualities by giving the reader guidelines to follow in order to achieve these goals. Some key points of this paper are how to be a true servant-leader. One definition that I found for a servant-leader is that these individuals simply place the serving of others as the number one priority. Servant- leaders are drawn to a purpose greater than themselves and are great listeners that have empathy for the well- being of others.

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Christian …show more content…

He created the world and created men and women in his own image. God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that we could have eternal life. Without God, there would be no world because he is the creator of everything. God is omniscient or all – knowing. He is the Alpha and the Omega and knows the beginning from the end. God is sovereign which expresses the fact that nothing is beyond his ultimate interest, control, and authority. God is full of goodness which can be expressed through holiness and love. God’s holiness emphasizes his absolute righteousness, and his love which will not abandon us in times of need. The nature of the world can be described as chaotic, intelligible, and contingent. I believe that God is the creator and he is the one who manages the world. God is constantly involved in the unfolding pattern of the operation of the universe. He is responsible for keeping Parker 6 everything in balance. This is why we have day, night, and even the seasons of the year. God keeps the Earth turning at just the right speed so that we don’t fall off. He keeps the Earth far enough from the Sun so that everything doesn’t burn up. God is responsible for all of these

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