
Sex : Sex And Sex Essay

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Sex and sex culture has become more casual and easier to discuss over the years. With pre-marital sex becoming more acceptable, there’s been an influx in “hooking up”, one night stands, and even rape and sexual assault. Sex was solely meant for procreation circa 1900’s but over time sex has regained its true connotation of being pleasurable but with a stigma. Sex nowadays has become more of a male thing. With society being heavily satiated in the media, women are now seen as objects. The pleasure in sex is no longer mutual for both men and women, especially in today’s hookup culture. Due to the constant portrayal of women being sex symbols in adverts and television, it’s almost unconsciously ingrained in both women and men’s minds that women are meant to pleasure men. This filter on women has drastically altered sex for women and has also made it dangerous to even be a woman in public. Sex overall has become a male thing due to the media, which has changed the way both men and women see women.

Due to magazines like Maxim, women have become highly objectified. This has caused men to only seek what he wants from a woman, especially within society’s current hookup culture. Magazines and ads have made it easier for people in society to accept masculinity ideology as well. L. Ward stated, “because traditional [masculinity ideologies] focuses on the power of the male sex drive, on men as sexual agents and imitators and on women as sexual objects and gatekeepers, then greater

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