
Sex in the Media Essay

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Sex in the Media

One of the most important resources of a business is its advertisement team. Due to the fact that people can and will buy your product only if they know about it. This is the reason that marketing and advertisement have the biggest budgets in a business. This is the reason that places such as spend up to four million dollars on advertisement a year, according to '' written by Burke Hedges. There is a saying that goes 'Sex-sells' is this true? Most people would argue that it does. Since choosing this topic it has forced me to see everything different. When I sit and watch television I can?t help but notice all of the strong sexual messages that are being thrown at me …show more content…

These urges are perfectly natural. So experiment. Explore. Even play the field. When fruits join together, it?s a very special thing.? Cadbury Schweppes? the owners of Snapple feel so strongly about these commercials that they have invested over 33 million dollars. They obviously must be working but advertisements are supposed to expose the consumers to your product. Maybe I?m just a little uptight when I expect the commercial to tell me something about the product. For years music videos have been venues in which artist can show off other performing skills may it be acting or dancing. They were originally created for promotional purposes. These promotions are generally used to show the artist in a different light. Of course there are commercials for artist?s records as well. One commercial in particular bothered me. There is an R&B artist by the name of ?Tank? it is obvious that he cares about his appearance because of his well chilled physique, but he has one commercial where he is working out; doing sets of bench-presses, push-up, pull-ups and so forth. What bothers me about the commercial is that you don?t hear any of his music and just watch him work out. From my understanding what the consumer is buying is his music and not his body. I know that sex sells but it seems to me that advertisers no longer want to do any work, just slap an attractive body on screen or paper and call it a day.

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