
Sexism In Society

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Sexism, racism, and violence have been a part of the world since the beginning of time. Everyday, it is clear that issues such as these continue to play a role in the lives of many people. Our society has moved forward in the direction towards ending racism, sexism, and violence, but these changes still do not meet the standard of decency. Despite the modern movement for women’s rights being implemented into today’s society, as well as efforts to eliminate racism and violent language, humanity needs to become more progressive in order to create a truly equal society. Violence in language gives the general public the image that violence is tolerable, while also promoting brutality. Language guidelines from the North York Women Teacher’s Association alter violent phrases such as, “get away with murder” into its alternative, “avoid consequences.” Violence has made its way into modern language where the majority of people do not necessarily try to stop it. According to Michiko Kakutani, a Pulitzer Prize-winning literary critic, “the prohibition of certain words, phrases, and ideas is advanced in the cause of building a …show more content…

Sexism in modern life is men receiving a higher salary than women for just being men. The idea that women cannot be strong while being independent is absurd. Society uses harsh language towards women as if the negativity in the words have a neutral tone and meaning, when in fact they represent the very reason why women are still viewed as weaker and dependent upon men. Sexism will not cease to exist unless the degrading of women stops. According to Kakutani’s “The Word Police,” the 1991 edition of the Random House Webster’s Dictionary includes linguistic mutations to avoid sexism, such as the change from “women” to “womyn,” and “waiter” or “waitress” to “waitron.” This shows how some communities have accepted that both genders should be equally treated and

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