
Sexual Assault And Its Effects On Society Essay

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When presented with this project, we chose to focus on sexual assault because it is a harsh realistic nightmare that poses reoccurring issues in our society. The goal of our campaign is to not only spread awareness about sexual assault, but also to educate about the topic. Although sexual assault is a very common occurrence, it is a sensitive topic; which leads to people and victims feeling hesitant to talk about it, causing so many cases to remain untouched and victims silenced. For our project, we decided to focus on reaching out to our peers since most of them are in college or ages 18-24, where sexual assault is at an all time high. However, sexual assault is not limited strictly to college campuses or other professional academic settings so everything that we are posting relates to anyone – because of the sad truth that sexual assault can happen anytime, to anyone at anywhere. To begin our campaign, we created a Facebook page and an Instagram account. The Facebook page was simple to create and has been effective thus far; because of its popularity between adults and even teenagers in high school, we had several likes on our Facebook page. Our goal was to get at least 35 likes for the “NU Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign,” but within hours of launching it, we got nearly 50 and are currently have nearly 100 likes! On our Instagram account, we have almost 30 followers and frequent likes on all of our photos; perhaps since it is a less popular social media site it is

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