
Sexual Assault And Sexual Harassment

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Bohmer & Parrot (1993) co-authored the “Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights Act of 1991.” This act was signed into law in 1992. This book in a continuation of what still needs to be done to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment on college campuses. This book covers why college institutions handle sexual assault poorly and the consequence of their negligence. To do this subject justice they focus on the following questions:
1. What is the definition of sexual assault?
2. How often, who and where do sexual assaults happen?
3. What is the typical response from college campuses?
4. What are the consequences of the campuses response?
5. What are some possible solutions to sexual assaults in college campuses?
This review of Sexual Assault on Campus focus on these questions.
Bohmer & Parrot (1993) explain how definitions to labels like sexual assault and sexual harassment are used interchangeable on many campuses. There is no universal definition to these labels in college campus across the country. Bohmer & Parrot (1993) explain that generally sexual assault is defined as “all forms of unwanted sexual activity”, deviate sexual intercourse is anal or oral sex, acquaintance rape is rape in which “the victim and the assailant know each other”, and sexual harassment is “sexual activity that is related to abuse of power” . The problem, however, lies when college administration uses these terms interchangeably and have only one policy for any sexual misconduct.

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