
Sexual Freedom In The Handmaid's Tale, By Margaret Atwood

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In the book The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood, the author depicts a dystopian system of the future. Within it, both the men and the women have become oppressed. The men are prohibited from developing friends and personal relationships with the women and each other. The women are stripped of having personal, financial and educational independence. However, ultimately both sides suffer from the restrictions on sexual freedom and the ability to love. The Handmaid’s Tale is set in a dehumanized society called the Republic of Gilead. The women are forbidden to have independence while the men are segregated by their particular skills. Offred is a Handmaid for the Commander and his wife. Once a month, Offred, like the other Handmaids, has to have sexual intercourse with her Commander in order to reproduce to help the declining population. As the novel, the Commander and Offred begin to meet secretly in his office, where they talk and he allows her to read magazines, which are forbidden. At the end of the book, through the secret police known as The Eyes of God, take Offred away. Men in The Handmaid’s Tale are denied any personal relationships or opportunities for personal growth. The Commander and Offred meet in his study, where they play scrabble. The Commander pleads “I want you to kiss me” (Atwood 139). When Offred lightly pecks him on the lips, it causes a bitter reaction from the Commander. He says, “Not like that, […] As if you meant it” (140). The Commander has been inviting Offred to his study because he feels alone, deprived of love in his society and he drives for intellectual feminine companionship. In Gilead, men have no control over their relationships with women. Guardians are young men who are working to become Angels and Commanders. They are assigned to serve the Commanders as bodyguards and servants. In the beginning of the novel, Offred states “Now we walk along the same street, in red pairs, and no man shouts obscenities at us, speaks to us, touches us. No one whistles” (24). Men can have no contact with females. They are not allowed to create relationships with women, especially if they are low-ranked. The government chooses the men’s wives and decides whether they are worthy of

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