
Sexual Orientation And Homosexuality

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Rosio Rivas-Zavala
I was born gay Being gay is natural. Hating gay is a choice. John fugelsang.
Many people will asked themselves what is sexual orientation? I remember the first time someone asked me on a questionnaire what was my sexual orientation, I did not know what it meant, and I thought it had to do with my sexuality. The book gay, straight and reason why by neuroanatomist Simon leVay claimed that INAH3 nucleus size which is found in the brains of the homosexuals who died from AIDS in the 1980’s comparing it with straight men who died from other causes. Also there are reasons for being born gay. According to the author leVay, sexual orientation, refers to the sex a person prefers to be, feeling attraction for …show more content…

Authors Bailey, Dunne and Martin from the article genetic and environmental on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample, causes of male and female sexual orientation, levels of homosexual interest, validity of sexual orientation using the Kinsey scores and the role of genes, shared environment, non-shared environment. Authors of the article sex difference in sexual orientation found that male sexual orientation is influenced by a gene on the x chromosome (bailey, Dunne and martin 2000: 525) this study sheds light to understand that its natural because males are born that way. Measures used by bailey, Dunne and Martin by using to Kinsey scale, the Kinsey scale will help to better understand people behaviors and feelings, helping them identity their true sexual interest. According to Levay, gay men and women have gayer sibling than straight people up to 22 percentage for males and 25 percent for females. Even though the percentage is not too high, this statistic proves that it runs in the family. Generally an individual who is gay can also have a gay …show more content…

Author levay, explained that the studies by blanchard and bogaert show that having an older brother will have the effect on males increasing the likelihood of being gay by 33 percent (levay 2011: 256) due to this study probability of a younger to be gay rises each time. Younger brothers will run a chance of being gay even if they want to or not. The older brother effect is caused by a mother immune system may “remember”” and exert an influence on the fetuses of younger sons. It seems a mother is blame, just because a baby is being develop in the womb, but what about the father? It takes two to get pregnant. In the womb is where he is being affected. Author, leVay, states, one-quarter and on third of all gay men owe their sexual orientation to their brothers (laVay 2011: 257) once scientific reasons emerge, people realized some of the reasons why various sexual orientation exist. There are reasons why people are gay such as older-brother effect as more evidence rises, people know who to blame. The older brother effect, reminds me of my Latin culture, where men rather have males sons than females daughter because of macho culture but if they only knew the more sons you have the higher probability you will have a gay son. Which in Latin cultures a father is a shamed and hurt to have a gay

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