
Sexualization Of Children Essay

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Overall Comments This particular study on the stereotypes among elementary school children in regard to sexualization of girls. The interpretation of sexuality of girls for small kids and grown up kids have different viewpoints and the method of analysis is based on the interview and tasks carried out on a group of students selected by parents’ consent. Introduction In the given topic, the research has been conducted on a selected number of students and there is no solid proof of the fact that the children of comparatively young age have proper understanding of sexualizing the girls. The perception of different age group of boys had different meaning of sexual appearance in terms of the level of revealing outfits or makeup donned by girls. The study needs to be more specific in terms of data collection and analysis. The study …show more content…

After taking assurance from parents who agreed to give participation of their ward, two studies were conducted based on the depiction and opinions of children regarding everyday content based on sexualizing girls. Two studies were conducted to determine sexualized and non-sexualized girls’ perception in boys and girls. In study one, it was determined whether the children associated traits related to sexualized and non-sexualized girls or not and in second study, the similar situation was implied to the real time images and person. Though the study showed elaborated data and inference could be drawn from it but the study was not conducted in a systematic manner. Moreover, the parameters on which more light could have been thrown, were not used in the specific study. The questions asked to children in terms of appearance of girls could have been more specific and the results generated by them do not only depict the sexual orientation of boys rather their random suggestion could be the case too.

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