
Sexualization Of Girls Essay

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At a young age, society pressures girls to wear long, frilly pink dresses and act like princesses: innocent and sweet. However, once puberty starts for the juveniles, these once innocent looking dresses gradually get shorter and tighter to accentuate the maturing bodies of pubescent teenagers. The emphasis on the developing figure shows the importance of a sexually pleasing appearance in the modern world. The more sexually aesthetic one is, the greater likelihood of that person thriving, whether in her career or relationship with others. The “sexualization” of girls is a popular trend among the community, with its inevitable presence in various forms of media, such as television, celebrity pop culture, and advertisements. It teaches adolescents …show more content…

Each one of these princesses has a tiny waist, smoldering eyes, flowing hair, straight teeth, and blemish-free skin. Little girls generally see these characters, created by Disney, as their role models. The girls aspire to be perfect, like the princesses who they see as their role models. This causes problems later on when the girls grow up and realize that they’re not perfect. Imbedded in their brains that their bodies must look like a princess’s in order to excel, they resort to controversial, and harmful means to obtain the body they desire: extreme weight loss/gain. For fear of being rejected by society, many girls develop eating disorders and depression; the pressure to be perfect is the worst pressure of …show more content…

The advertisement featured soft-core pictures of sweaty, barely clothed models in suggestive positions, with the slogan overlaid in red. The campaign sexualized both women and men, in whom the women have their stomachs and cleavage showing, and the men shirtless with their muscles accentuated by sweat. Controversial as this campaign may be, it speaks some truth; sex really does sell. Most of the time, people have to prostitute themselves – through appearance, not action – to sell a project, or to gain recognition by

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