
Sexualization Of Girls

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Too young, Too sexy On a regular basis ,one comes across some form of media, or communicates with one family or friends at least once a day. It is normal; however, who fail to see how much sexualization of young girls have incremented, and still continues to do so in media, and how it affects society. The trend toward the sexualization of girls is increasing in the contemporary culture and can negatively impact girls (Choate and Curry). Awareness on girl sexualization in the United States must be a raised because it negatively affects young girls well-being, hinders their academic potential, and jeopardizes their safety. In our current society girls are sent mixed messages: that they are capable of achieving the highest educational and professional …show more content…

The sexualization of girls is very common in the media. Examples of sexualization of girls in the media include: television programming, movies, the Internet, computer games, music videos and lyrics. Also magazines, the marketing of sexy clothing and products aimed at young girls (Sexualization 'harms' Young). The impact of sexualization of girls' identity development and …show more content…

Sexualization of girls lead to the increase of rates of sexual harassment and sexual violence; and an increased demand for child pornography (“Report of the”). When both girls and boys are frequently exposed to sexualized media messages regarding women’s value and worth, they begin to adopt these attitudes and learn to see women as simplified types or objects, not as people. This can result in sexual harassment, which most commonly includes make sexual comments, jokes, and gestures; sending sexually suggestive pictures, photos, or messages; spreading sexual rumors; leering or staring at someone’s body in a sexual way (Choate and Curry). When young girls face these issues they do not feel comfortable or secure. When sexualized attitudes and behaviors are normalized in a school, girls will be less confident in labeling or reporting these behaviors as sexual harassment. This may in turn influence their decisions to report more severe forms of unwanted sexual behavior in the future, including sexual assault and rape (Choate and Curry). According to statistics there are 100,000 websites offering illegal child pornography (“Internet Pornography Statistics”). The number is high already. It is our obligation to spread awareness on the sexualization of girls so this number does not increase. The sexualization of girls increases the probability of sexual harassment, sexual

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