
Sg Cowen

Decent Essays

SG Cowen: New Recruits
2011120259 정유진

1. What are the key decision points used by S.G. Cowen in making hiring decisions? What is your evaluation of the process used by the firm?
Key decision points:
Paying more attention to the next 15 universities in the top 25 - They used to compete with big firms like JP Morgan and Goldman for recruiting new employees, but it was hard to get the best students from the best schools. Because competitors got most of the best students with huge recruiting budgets, brand names and much larger hiring needs. So they decided to extend candidate schools’ boundary to compete big, giant competitors. They could even find good candidates who have high loyalty, commitment, and cultural fits from next 15 …show more content…

So we need to check how much this candidate will be committed to the firm.
Judgment and Maturity: I think there are a lot of situations in international banking where bankers need to use their judgments to make a decision. So, IB gives employees a lot of authority and want them to use it wisely.
Interpersonal Skills: Especially when dealing with clients, these skills are really important. Also, SG Cowen consider ‘cultural fit’ a lot when they hiring people therefore maybe most of the employees of SG Cowen have similar characteristics or cultural value so, to get along other employees, Interpersonal Skills are important and it should fit to the firm culture.
Leadership: “Wall Street does not give enough time to people to develop slowly” and “We want the type of person here who doesn’t need to be told what to do. We want the self- starter”. With these saying, we can know that they need people who are independent and managing by themselves. But I think it is difficult to figure out one’s leadership ability.
Technical Skills : Since they are focusing on Health care and technology, candidate who can understand not only banking knowledge but also technology in these industry are more competitive.
Work Ethic : I think it is the most basic criteria when choosing people. Everything should be done right in right way.

3. Which two candidates would you select if you were a member of the recruiting committee?
Among 4 candidates, I think Natalya Godlewska and Andy

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