
Shang Dynasty

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“Archaeological evidence suggests that China is one of the cradles of the human race.”(Chinese Cultural) The first human in China dates back all the way to 600,000 BC so that’s where they start out in the history books. However, the first nameable society in China was the Shang Dynasty which existed from 1766-1122 BC. “The highly developed hierarchy consisted of a king, nobles, commoners, and slaves.” (Chinese Cultural) This way of governing did them very well; they created their own form of writing with a complex system of picture writing After the Shang dynasty the Chou Dynasty came into power when they overtook the Shang dynasty in 1122 BC till 221 BC. They were no longer when the Ch’in Empire unified China establishing it’s first empire in 221 BC …show more content…

The Han dynasty had many issues such as the invasions of the Huns and the Huns threatening the Chinese Empire, which was expanding from the north. China fought for years in order to gain sovereignty in the north and the northwest. Another issue was the death of the first emperor because it created a dash for the throne at that time, (Wang Mang took the throne in AD 9 then killed shortly after in AD 23). Kuang Wu Ti was ruler after Wang and he provided peace to the people of China. He also had success in recovering territories that were lost earlier. Later in the Han period things went bad and it was “plagued with evil” (Chinese Cultural), as different dictators came to power one after another. The empire was then broken up into three different kingdoms of Wei, Shu Han, and Wu. These continued to stand until invaders in north overran them. After that only the Northern Wei Dynasty survived, which was in power from 386 till 534. The disunity ended in 581 because of a general that unified China into the Sui

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