
Shared Assumptions

Decent Essays

Research Question
Why is it necessary to define and identify the optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions of an academic library organization?
Three Dialogues

Dialogue 1: Talking about your problem
Opponent: Why do you need to identify the optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions of an academic library?
Me: Because, failing to understand or acknowledge optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions within the organization may fortify traditional and narrow approaches to delivering excellent services and programs to the academic community.
Opponent: Will you actually be able to change the culture of the organization by understanding its optimal traits and shared assumptions?
Me: Because we understand the optimal cultural traits and shared assumptions, the organization can develop a strategic plan to address targeted areas for transformation. One case study confirms this premise, “Cisco …show more content…

Me: Defining the optimal cultural traits and shared assumptions of the academic library is possible using well established data collection tools and assessment strategies. There are multiple options for assessing the organizational culture, however for this specific question I am focused on two strategies.
Edgar Schein is a respected expert on organizational culture and leadership. He has written numerous books including “Organizational Culture and Leadership” (Schein, 2010). This specific publication outlines a structure for rapidly assessing the culture of an organization. The second method is administering the “Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI), a statistically normed and validated survey used for organizational consulting and change purposes” (Balthazard, Cooke, & Potter, 2006, p. 712).
Opponent: Won’t it take a long time and be expensive to administer?

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