
What Is The Use Of Symbolism In Shiloh By Bobbie Ann Mason

Decent Essays

In Bobbie Ann Mason’s “Shiloh”, after Leroy’s accident in his truck, the pleasant illusion that he is in a perfectly functioning marriage is shattered leaving the reality that he and Norma Jean have ongoing issues that have been hidden and ignored for the majority of their marriage. The log cabin he never builds, the couple’s new hobbies, the baby they lost, the dust ruffle Mabel makes for them, and the trip they take to Shiloh ultimately cause Norma Jean to decide to leave Leroy. “Shiloh” is laden with symbols for the state of Norma Jean and Leroy’s marriage, and each situation introduced since Leroy’s accident forces them to look at how little they know about each other. The house Leroy means to build but never does, is symbolic of how …show more content…

The type of activities they choose are symbolic of their views in life. Leroy’s activities have him drawing in, seeing commonplace things in a new light. The arts and crafts he chooses to assemble have him examining the details of his life that he never notices before his accident: “...Leroy has grown to appreciate how things are put together. He has begun to realize that in all the years he was on the road he never took time to examine anything. He was always flying past scenery” (300). Since he has been compelled to slow down by the accident, he learns to gain an understanding of regular things in a new way. He is changing a little, he still explores, however, he finds Norma Jean’s new activities intimidating and he is trying to keep most things the same. Meanwhile, Norma Jean’s activities have her expanding and growing in broader ways that let her see the bigger picture. For a while, she is content with playing familiar music on the organ, but as she further educates herself, she does not want to play it anymore (309). She is enthralled with her college class and building muscle with her weight lifting class. She is constantly improving and strengthening her mind and body while Leroy is just observing, and content to stay the same, and when he does go out of his comfort zone, it is not in leaps and bounds like Norma Jean’s activities. All of her

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