
Short Essay On Dementia

Decent Essays

Contrary to public belief, dementia is not one specific disease rather a range of symptoms that are associated with cognitive decline and a reduction in a person’s ability to remain active and independent. There was a time when dementia was referred to as “senility” or having “senior moments,” but these monikers suggest that dementia is a normal part of aging, and this concept simply isn’t accurate.
Alzheimer’s disease accounts for up to 80% of all dementia cases closely followed by vascular dementia, which typically occurs after a stroke. Dementia may also be caused by vitamin deficiencies and thyroid problems. These last two types are reversible in nature.
Signs and Symptoms
It’s important to note that signs and symptoms of dementia can …show more content…

While they can remember the name of their second grade teacher, they often have trouble remembering where they put their purse or wallet and lose track of appointments and paying bills.
Dementia is progressive. Symptoms may at first be mild and then slowly and gradually become worse and worse. Signs and symptoms should not be ignored. If you or a loved one are experiencing any change in memory or thought process, it’s important to recognize something may be going on and make an appointment to visit your doctor.
Causes of Dementia
Dementia is caused when there has been some kind of damage to the brain. This damage then inhibits the brain cells’ ability to “talk” to each other. When brain cells are negatively affected in this way, the person has trouble thinking, behaving and feeling normally.
The varying types of dementia are caused by damage that occurs in different regions of the brain. For instance, with Alzheimer’s disease, cells become damaged in the hippocampus region of the brain, which is the epicenter of learning and memory.

How is Dementia …show more content…

It’s important to mention that brain health can also be impacted by frequent blood sugar spikes. For this reason a diet low in sugar, especially processed sugars and refined flours, is important to maintain proper glucose levels.
And finally, some good news for coffee lovers, caffeine has been found to be effective in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. This does not mean you need to consume cups and cups of it every day. Just one two to cups will bring benefits.
Keep Learning
You know the old phrase “use it or lose it,” well this applies to your brain as well. It’s incredibly important to keep your brain active as you age. Consider learning a new language or how to play a new instrument, read more, do the crossword puzzle, or play computer games. Heck, try to write that novel you always wanted to write, just be sure to keep your brain challenged and stimulated throughout your entire

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