
Should Cannabinoids Be Legalized Essay

Decent Essays

Should Cannabinoid be legalized in The United States? Cannabinoid most commonly known as Marijuana has been a controversial public debate for many years of whether it should become legalized in The United States. The debate among the public is whether Marijuana should have certain limitations on use of medical and recreational use. Surveys conducted have shown that Cannabinoid is mostly used by middle and high school students in the 8th, 10th, and 12th grade with the percentage being considerably high among senior students. Cannabinoid Cannabinoid has many names such as weed, pot, bud, grass, Mary Jane and much more. When used for recreational purposes, Marijuana is smoked in various ways such as hand rolled into a cigarette which is referred to as a “joint” or “blunt” and can also be inhaled through a water pipe which is referred to as a “bong.” When Cannabinoid is used for a medical purpose it can be brewed into a tea for drinking or mixed in foods, the most popular being brownies. The most important mind-altering chemical that people seek in Marijuana is the …show more content…

People who use it for medicinal purposes – the effects can take up to 30 minutes after consuming it to notice the effects. People that consume too much THC might feel anxious, nervous, fearful, hallucinations, phobia, and may even lose the sense of their own identity. The THC can linger in the body for days and even weeks but generally lasts longer when consumed in foods. The THC in Cannabinoid affects the brain’s memory, coordination, concentration, movement, intellectual, and time sensitivity. Using Marijuana can damage a person’s thinking and capacity to understand and complete difficult tasks. THC can also cause a person to have delayed response reactions which is one of the reasons why people who use Marijuana should not be behind the

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