
Should College Athletes Be Paid?

Decent Essays

“Should college athletes be paid” is an issue that is very controversial. Some people say “yes sure it’s a great idea”. Others say “no not at this time”. Paying college athletes for participating in sports is a bad idea. Athletes getting paid to play sports could take the focus of education away, it would cost way too much for universities, take the love and passion of the sport away, and many other reasons. Mostly all athletes get scholarships anyway which pays for their tuition, dorm, meals, etc. As the athletes receiving scholarships have a full ride through college their payment is in the form of education benefits as opposed to direct compensation. As the majority of Division I and II schools are higher scale colleges in general this …show more content…

If college athletes were to get paid for playing sports then where would that leave their education? Their education would go down the drain because they could care less about school work as long as they are getting paid to play a sport. Student comes first in student-athlete. If a college athlete does not succeed in sports then they would need a skill to fall back on. Not all students will make it to the pros. Students are not professional athletes. Their sports included with their education can possibly be an avenue for them to get to the pros where they then can be paid. College sports are not careers or professions at that point in time. Their education should be first and foremost in their game plan. Worrying about money can distract them from their concentration on their academics which will pay long term dividends. Many college coaches emphasize the importance of education first. Parents and students are paying for a good education preparing for a profitable future. Sports pros don’t and cant guarantee how long their run will last. Then the money is gone especially if they don’t plan ahead. Also, if college athletes get paid to participate in sports it is the same thing as saying that are paid employees of the college! Would this step include benefits such as paying towards retirement, health benefits, social security, and unemployment compensation? This makes the sport more of a job. Universities would have to invest in a

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