
Should College Athletes Be Paid?

Decent Essays

One of the biggest debates in college/college athletics is whether or not to pay student athletes for playing the sports that they do. Student athletes are given scholarships to cover most, or even potentially all, of their tuition and expenses in college, so it is not necessary to pay college athletes additional money. College athletes are not playing professional sports. They are students first, athletes second. College athletes should not be paid. Instead they should be compensated. Student athletes receive a large compensation in the form of athletic scholarships. They receive a free education and the opportunity to represent their school by playing sports. “College athletes don’t have to worry about student loans, paying for …show more content…

“According to Jeffrey Dorfman, only a few collegiate sports actually bring in money. College football, as well as men’s and women’s basketball, are the money makers as far as collegiate athletics is concerned. Most other programs are actually cash strapped,” (Patterson). In 2010, only twelve out of the 120 FBS Division-1 schools broke even or made a profit, (Bokshan). This all makes it way too difficult to even begin thinking about paying student athletes. It proposes so many different questions. Since only football and basketball generates profit, should those players be the only ones paid? Now, that wouldn’t be fair to all of the other student athletes. Also, where would the money come from? As mentioned before, only a fraction of programs actually generate profit. So does that mean it should be the responsibility of the school to pay these athletes? If that is the case, universities will lose money out of their general funds. This would result in taking away money from academic scholarships to the students who do not play sports, classroom resources, professors’ salaries, and more. “Other questions include how much should students-athletes be paid, how often, will it work in a similar way that professional contracts work, etc? All these questions reveal how difficult it would be to change the college athletic system to compensate college

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