
Should College Athletes Be Paid To Play Research Paper

Decent Essays

Should College Athletes Be Paid to Play? Rebecca Lobo once said“Athletes who take to the classroom naturally or are encouraged to focus on grades should be able to do well in the classroom. I believe the reason you go to college is to get your degree. It's not a minor league or an audition for the pros.” many athletes should read these and apply it to their life because college isn't about trying to play in the pros if you're an athlete sure you can have a dream, but you need to also get a degree that should be the main focus not getting a tryout or an audition for the pros. Every year around one hundred seventy-seven thousand athletic scholarships is given out to those that stood out in their sport, whether it was basketball, football, or even baseball. The kids receiving these scholarships are given a free …show more content…

Overall the NCAA is the hub for all collegiate sports and allows many students to get a free education. Some might say that athletes should be paid because they bring in tons of money, paying athletes would bring them some sense of financial awareness and because they often don't have enough money for necessities. But they don't deserve to get paid because scholarships are payment enough, because many college kids are irresponsible with money, and the NCAA makes sure the players' have what they need. Many people think that college athletes should be paid, but they shouldn't. First, some say that college athletes should be paid because of the fact that the schools and the NCAA make billions. In an article from USA Today, it stated: “NCAA made more than $1 billion for the year” (Mama). On the other hand, they should not be paid because tons of the athletes get scholarships, they are rewarded with a free education, and they are technically getting around twenty-thousand dollars a year. First, in an article from in statistics from 2015 regarding the amount of scholarship money that was given out was nearly 2.2 billion dollars.

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