
Should High School Sports Players Be Drug Tested?

Satisfactory Essays

My brother played football in high school. He really enjoyed it. But he also enjoyed smoking marijuana. It affected his gaming because he would be too tired to try his hardest. I don’t think he should have stayed on the team. But the couches never knew. That’s why I think High school students on a team should have a drug test every 3 weeks. It will help with student grades, attitude, and physical ability.
People who smoke marijuana tend to be less aware of their surroundings. They slow down mentally and physically. They won’t be able to pay attention in class. This will ultimately make their grades drop. It can also lead to worse drugs such as meth and crack.
People’s attitude can be negative, because after the effects wear off the user becomes tired and slow. This could affect how others see the user, or think of them. It could also permanently damage them mentally. …show more content…

Their body starts to feel like mush. Then it makes you tired, and then it makes you hungry. This could affect one’s play style and cause their team to lose a game.
These are the main reasons I believe high school sports players should be drug tested. The effects of marijuana or any other type of drug is bad with sports. If they were drug tested, it would help the team improve as a

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