
Should Kids Get Rid Of Homework

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In many American households, homework is the main cause of stress. Some people think that America is not so well and adding more homework will fix that problem. A study by Indiana University found that students who do more homework tend to get higher scores on standardized tests” (“Do Kids Need Homework?”). “Plus, part of growing up is learning to balance outside activities and the demands of schoolwork” (“Should Parents Help Kids With Homework?). Teachers have their reasons as well. “Teachers say homework is important in the learning process and can help kids develop study and organizational skills. They say kids need to practice what they've learned in school so that the material sticks in their brain” (Strauss). “Having too much homework …show more content…

Other people, who want to get rid of homework, say it’s busywork and it has no educational value. “Many supporters of no-homework policies say kids need more free time to play and relax after a long day in school” (“Do Kids Need Homework?”). “Books like The Case Against Homework (Crown, 2006) and The Homework Myth (Da Capo, 2007) have argued that too much of today's homework is mindless busywork that takes away from family time and does not improve academic performance. Homework's critics argue that kids should instead be reading for enjoyment, exploring and being creative” (“Too Much Homework? Parents, Schools Seek Balance”). “Researcher Cooper says studies show that up until fifth grade, homework should be very limited. Kids in middle school shouldn't be spending more than 90 minutes a night on homework. In high school, the limit is two hours, Cooper says” (Strauss). Finally, “In a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, one in four parents said their child had lost sleep because of homework. A lack of sleep can affect how well kids do in school” (“Do Kids Need …show more content…

This is because I believe that students already get enough practice in an average school day and giving them too much homework will lead them to despise learning and school. I think teachers should not give homework for three main reasons: so kids can have more family time, participate in other out-of-school activities without worry, and so they don’t have to stay up late finishing homework, which greatly strains their academic performance. Homework affects your family life in two main ways. First, you don’t have time for family activities after school if you are overwhelmed with homework. And second, if you stay up late doing homework, you will be too tired to do any family activities. Teachers should not consider other activities when assigning homework. This is because not all students have the same

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