
Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay examples

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Marijuana, weed, hashish, pot, it goes by many names. Many people argue that it should be legalize because it’s no better than alcohol and cigarettes. Although these claims holds some truth, marijuana is still a dangerous drug and adding one more problematic drug into the mix will not improve America’s health and safety issues. Although marijuana has its medical benefits, using it for recreational purposes is dangerous for both us and our society. There are countless debates whether marijuana should be legalized for creational use or if it should remain illegal. Marijuana has been legalized in some states for medical use such as pain caused by cancer, glaucoma and nerve pain. In a survey I conducted in a class of 27 students, 15 opposed …show more content…

Many people claim that there is no known case of people dying due to marijuana. This is a half truth since it’s not the marijuana itself that kills; it’s its side effects. Marijuana causes lung and throat cancer much like cigarettes. As a matter of fact, marijuana is worse for the lungs, since it contains three times as much tar as cigarettes and it’s usually smoked without a filter. They also claim there is not nearly as much crime due to marijuana use compared alcohol. This is also true but for one simple reason. Alcohol is legal and more easily accessible than marijuana. It’s the fact that marijuana is illegal that is keeping these numbers so low. Legalizing marijuana would be like adding fuel to a fire. If marijuana were to be legalized these number are sure to increase. Marijuana also has similar effects on the brain as alcohol. Some effects of marijuana are sleepiness, slowed reaction time, memory problems, impaired judgment and motor coordination. Obviously handling any type of heavy machinery such as car is highly dangerous, which is why marijuana is a contributor to car accidents. Even worse, being on the effects of both alcohol and marijuana increases the risk of car accidents greatly. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive. Research showed that up to 9% of marijuana user became addicted and that number is doubled if the user started using at a young age. In addition, the withdrawal symptoms are very similar to most other drugs. Some

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