
Should Student Athletes Be Paid?

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Tyson Hartnett says, “Contrary to what all the opponents believe, being an athlete is a full-time job. On a typical day, a player will wake up before classes, get a lift or conditioning session in, go to class until 3 or 4 p.m., go to practice, go to mandatory study hall, and then finish homework or study for a test.For a little extra money to see a movie or go out to dinner once a week, my freshman roommate worked a job at the university, earning about $7/hour. He would work his butt off all day, with two or sometimes three basketball training sessions, plus classes and homework, and go to that job for a few hours late at night. He would come back exhausted, but he needed whatever money they would pay him. However, once the season started up, he couldn 't work that job anymore.” Student athletes should be paid due to school and playing a sport taking up all of their time. This is basically the same principle as having a job and going to school. Playing a sport and going to school is equal to working and going to school. Shabazz Napier stated that he goes to bed starving some nights (Ganim). Eitzen summed up best when he said; “Athletes can make money for others, but not for themselves”. Eitzen is saying that colleges and the coaches can make millions of dollars off of the student athletes talents while the athletes never receive any of that money. College athletes should be paid because the coaches, the colleges, and the collegiate sports associations take advantage of

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