
Should The United States Legalize The Death Penalty?

Decent Essays

The death penalty today is a hot button question that many experts cannot agree on. The topic deals with justice, logistics, and human morality which leads to either a person remaining alive or losing their life. It is not an easy choice to make because the death penalty has so much to do with human desires for justice as it does the justice system carrying out just punishments for crimes committed. In almost all of human history, capital punishment has been a punishment that was used to punish individuals who broke laws the society upheld. The United States of America is no different as it still continues to use the death penalty as a punishment in many states across the nation. The United States has contemplated the legality of the death penalty, with multiple court decisions dictating if and what is legal, as discussed in the video produced by CNN ( …show more content…

This punishment is final. This punishment is left for those individuals who have committed crimes that are awful. They deserve the highest punishment possible: death. This punishment does not violate the Eight Amendment in the Constitution because there have developed methods to administer death in humane ways. Once of these ways is seen in lethal injection as there is a medication that is administered before any other medication that will help prevent pain in the inmate. The deterrence brought by the thread of death could very well cause potential criminals to avoid committing brutal crimes against another person. Unfortunately, there is now doubt in the actual deterrence factor of the death

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