
Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Taught In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

In this essay I will be describing and telling you whether or not To Kill A Mockingbird should or shouldn't be taught in the 9th grade. To Kill A Mockingbird is a very good and intellectual book to read. It is a winner of the pulitzer prize and a wonderful book it talks about this family(Atticus, Scout, and Jem) back in the day when black people didn't have many right and privileges. They live in a little town called birmingham Alabama, the kids father is a lawyer and is defending a black guy(Tom Robinson) that got accused of Rape. The reason for the father (Atticus)defending this man is because he knows that Tom Robinson didn’t rape this girl. Overall this book shows how you should act toward someone if you know they are not guilty even if they are black(Everyone Is Equal). So in my opinion this book should be taught in the 9th grade because it shows how white people acted toward blacks back in the day. There are many reasons why I think that this book should be …show more content…

There are man people that think this book is amazing and there are people that think this book is just not educational they say it brings back the past of things that don't happen any more. I think this book is a good book and explains the things that matter. The book basically show how blacks were treated back in the bay. It gives great examples of how life was back then and on how many people view black not just one opinion. So overall i think that To Kill A Mockingbird should be taught in 9th grade. To Kill A Mockingbird in my opinion is an outstanding and educational book. It shows how white people treated black people and shows life lessons throughout the book. For example When ‘’scout fought a boy for getting her in trouble then her brother invites him to eat’’ this was a good life lesson for scout. So i think That To Kill A Mockingbird should be taught in the 9th grade and if you didn’t think this in the beginning I hope i could convince

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