
Silver Ships Essay

Decent Essays

1. What are the key elements of Silver Ships’ strategy? Which of the five generic strategies is the company pursuing?

The first key element of Silver Ship’s strategy is multiple growth opportunities. R&D, technology, and product design are also key elements of Silver Ship’s strategy. McCarty adhered to the highest possible quality and performance standards and made taking care of his employees a high priority. The generic strategy that Silver Ships is using is planned proactive moves to attract customers and out compete rivals via improved product design, better features, higher quality, wider selection, lower prices, etc.

2. Explain the competitive pressures facing the aluminum military and workboat industry. What can a …show more content…

We believe all companies have weakness, but in reviewing the case we are having a hard time identifying these weaknesses. Market opportunities exist with continuing to promote the company at boat shows and bidding on demands from the military and law agency. Another marketing opportunity is using with exist resources to focus on a new innovation for small-scale terrorist operations, a significant new area in naval warfare and the Army’s planned replacement for bridge erection boats.

We agree that McCarty external threats are the stagnant economy and existing rivals. McCarty must be careful with decision to expand with the current slow pace of economic recovery. McCarty never had to lay off employees before and wanted to keep this trend. Existing rivals’ expansion may nibble at McCarty’s current clients depending on McCarty’s strategic decisions.

5. What is your assessment of Silver Ship’s financial performance and condition? Is the company in good financial shape? Why or why not. Use financial rations to help support your assessment.

Silver Ships is in a mediocre financial condition as of 2009. From 2006 to 2009 Silver Ships increased net sales by five million dollars. Silver Ships net income dropped during the recent recession, but began to grow again in 2009. Return on equity also dropped during the recession but began to climb in 2009.

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