
Similarities Between A Doll's House And The Yellow Wallpaper

Decent Essays

Today after much progress and contributions in history, Women are still struggling to be equals to her male counterparts. Often judged and seen as second-class citizens. The struggle continues still till this day. Two short stories that I have read that seem to have the same conflict that women struggle with everyday are “A Dolls House” by Henrik Ibsen and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The stories are both similar in the sense of coming from a women’s perspective, as she finds herself through tribulations. The story also involves manipulative and controlling men who assert their so called assumed role as head of the family. However, perception comes into play when comparing and contrasting stories and in my opinion with regard to the overall impressiveness, effectiveness and distinctive merits the better story is “A Doll’s House.”
The major conflicts of each story consist of a woman’s struggle, in the case on Nora from “A Doll’s House” her main issue stems from her developing sense of independence and self-sufficiency which lead her to acquire a loan, an act that is illegal in the day time and setting. The similarity in “The Yellow Wallpaper” is in her struggle to not only free herself physically from the dungeon of a room her husband John (who is also her doctor)has her in but also her struggle includes the emancipation of her mind. Though the story in Wallpaper is more tragic and traumatic the story of Nora is more compelling. The fact that there is a

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