
Comparing Hinduism And Judaism

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There are many religions in the world, some new and old, some well-known and some less known. Many religions unique in different ways, from worshipping one god to many gods. Hinduism and Judaism are big religions in the world with a large amount of believers. They are both older religions that involve wrapping their family and lives in their beliefs. Unique and beautiful both involving rituals, traditions, and festivals.

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It has billions of followers not only in India, but all over the world. Hindus have many beliefs and worship many deities. Brahma is said to be the Absolute god, the Universal Being, he is above all and deities are its many forms. There is considered to be a trinity in …show more content…

In Hinduism there are many gods, deities or beliefs. Hindus don’t worship or believe in just one god or deities, they can worship many at a time. They worship Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Preserver and Shiva, the Destroyer. These are their main gods of worship but not only these gods, they also worship deities. Rama, Krishna, and Kali are considered as one of the most popular deities in Hinduism. There are plenty more deities or gods, and each have an interesting and beautiful meaning or significance. Many Hindus worship many gods or deities and don’t see anything wrong with it, because they believe that there are "many paths to moksha" that is liberation. Hinduism might be one of the few religions, if not the only religion, that worship more than one god. Judaism on the other hand, worship or believe in only one god. The Jews god only want them to worship him, he is a jealous god. Their god chose them has his people, nation and his children. He saw something in them, that he didn’t see in any other nation. As we read above, he saved, supplied, protected them in many occasions and yet his "children" failed him time and time again. While he was disappointed, he never gave up on them, but he did want something in return. In return he wanted a close relationship with each and everyone of them. He wanted them to obey him and also get to know who he was. He also states many times, that he wants them to only worship him, no other gods. Jews only pray, worship and believe in only one god, they believe there is only one way to liberation and that is through one god. Hindus as we read believe in many ways to liberation, there isn't just one way for

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