
Simulation Memo Essay

Decent Essays

The Mayor’s Office
The Mayor’s Office

Staff Members
Mayor West
December 14, 2016
Simulation Memo
The reason why I chose that you would encourage more minority form firms to apply for these contracts is because any article of the city of Richmond versus Crow sign 1989 it really does state that it's illegal for the cities and states to give preference to minority owned firms but, with the amount of the racial discrimination that's going on you don't want to violate the equal protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment that way minorities get something better than nothing. To impose on the curfew law was because, of minors do not have the same Constitution protection as in the notebook with minors they are underage …show more content…

However, after reading the article Hazelwood School District vs. Kuhlmeier 1988 I have a little insight on how these can go especially with the Constitutional protection that the adults have over minors. Next is the HIV-positive this is the subject that I want to focus more on it I chose to give education programs for the janitorial staff because, it would help to get a better understanding of HIV and AIDS. It is very important to have information like this around because of the simple fact of how some people can be very ignorant per say to the subject. By thinking just by touching someone who has HIV or Aids they're going to catch it, or that if they look at them or breathe around them that they're going to catch HIV or Aids. HIV and AIDS are two different things HIV is a little bit different because, HIV can be controlled through medication I can but AIDs it can being fatal. Having educational classes, and also information around for employees, to understand the difference between the two and when it comes to having a co-worker who has HIV or Aids. You need to understand how it's important to be supportive instead of looking sideways at the situation of having Aids HIV it’s no joke, you want to make sure that everyone is very

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