
Sins of Idolatry, Social Injustice, and Religious Ritualism; the Prophets View

Decent Essays

Sins of Idolatry, Social Injustice, and Religious Ritualism; the Prophets View
Bible 105-B27 LUO: Old Testament Survey
201320 Spring 2013
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Liberty University
March 07, 2013

Sins of Idolatry, Social Injustice, and Religious Ritualism; the Prophets View Several of the prophets had much to say in regards to idolatry, social injustice, and religious ritualism throughout the Old Testament. Some of these that will be used in this essay are Isaiah, Hosea, Micah, Jonah, and Ezekiel. Their verses will better define the meanings God has on each of these subjects. Let us begin by asking the question; what is idolatry? Merriam-Webster online defines it as: 1the worship of a physical object as a god, or …show more content…

Simply put, we should not take anything we have for granted. It takes a conscious effort; however, all we need to do is place God first in our hearts and thank Him for everything we have, every single day. Social injustice is what led Israel into demise and captivity. It was God’s judgment for their sins of not being socially just according to Mosaic Law. Ezekiel gives an excellent account of God’s judgment of those of wealth and greed: “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination before me. So I removed them, when I saw it" (Ezekiel 16:49-50). According to the Law of Moses, the wealthy were to take special care of those less fortunate. There were numerous traditions, throughout the Old Testament, that Israel was to accomplish. Nevertheless, they failed miserably and paid the price of God’s justice. In today’s technological world and all of its communication devices, it seems that we are falling further apart instead of coming closer together. People today will text a friend they see enter a room instead of getting up and walking over to them. People fall in love over the internet without truly meeting or getting to know one another. Society has become anonymous. We think we know what is going on by reading whatever someone may write on an internet blog. We lack

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