
Apple Inc Swot Analysis Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Most company in the world used SWOT analysis to research for internal(strengths and weakness) and external(opportunities and threats) situation their company. SWOT can help Apple Inc uncover opportunities and understanding the weakness of company.
At the same time Apple Inc can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise cacth company awareness. SWOT also can distinguish Apple Inc with other competitors such as
Samsung and Vivo.
i) Effective Innovation
Apple Inc has become the best product in the smartphone market around the world. Apple Inc also be a market leadership for a range of product and good. It is because Apple Inc aggrasive in product innovation from 1976 until now 2016. The first product produced by Apple Inc is iMac as computer table and after that Apple Inc release the same product but with the innovation that is Macbook Pro. That’s mean iMac can’t bring anywhere but Macbook Pro can bring anywhere. Now 2016, Apple Inc still produce Macbook but with innovation that can satisfy their cutomer. Macbook in 2016 is lighter so easier to bring such as MacBook Pro 13-inch have weight 3.02 …show more content…

Everytime Apple Inc launched their new product, regular customer from around the world will buy without think how much they must spend their money to buy Apple Inc product. For example, the product that Apple Inc have their follower in Iphone. The first iPhone was released in 2007 and it was the most hyped consumer product followed by release of iPhone 3G, iPhone 3G S, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S and 5C, iPhone 6, 6 Plus, iPhone 6S and now iPhone 7. Iphone 7 was launched 7 September 2016 with price RM 4 799.00 in Malaysia. Conclusion, Apple Inc have a strong brand image and already have loyal customers who will buy any product over the next iPhone in the

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