
Skateboarding Informative Essay

Satisfactory Essays

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Skateboarding is a rough sport.You will get hurt. But in my opinion it is one of the best hobbies to get into.Yeah you will struggle on some tricks, but when you land a trick that you have been trying for days, even months will give you one of the best feelings ever.
Skateboarding is the best sport, and community.It doesn't matter what race, or gender you are in skateboarding because no one really cares.This shows that it doesn’t matter as long as you can skate you can get along with everyone.This also shows that the skateboarding community can help you get through problems.In addition skateboarding can help you get in shape.This shows that skateboarding is a great sport.This also shows that you don't have to be fit to start skating because it will come in time.You don't have to be fit to start skateboarding, and your age, race, or gender doesn't matter in the skateboarding community.

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