
Skepticism About a Refutation of Skepticism Essay

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“Skepticism about a Refutation of Skepticism”

In “The Refutation of Skepticism”, Jonathan Vogel establishes an “Inference to the Best Explanation” (hereafter, “IBE”) as a means to refute skepticism about the external world. In this refutation, Vogel acknowledges that skepticism about IBE still remains a possibility, but that this kind of skepticism would be rather outlandish in character and thus could be ignored. This paper shall both establish and evaluate Vogel’s reasoning as to why he confidently dismisses any skepticism pertaining to his IBE, and furthermore will illuminate some points as to why Vogel may have mischaracterized potential threats to his method, leaving his refutation of skepticism vulnerable to doubt that is not as …show more content…

So how is this supposed to serve as a successful refutation of skepticism? To make sense of this, it should first be understood exactly how IBE qualifies its requirement for simplicity, and also what Vogel understands both mundane propositions and skeptical arguments to be comprised of. The assumption that the world works in ways that are simple, implied from the principle of induction, is construed by Vogel to mean that the better explanation would be the belief involving the fewest complexities and least number of parts to argue. Vogel is under the impression that skeptical arguments involve much more complexity in order to make them parallel the ordinary beliefs they aim to compete with, and cites the example that for ordinary properties such as shape and location that could be involved in a mundane proposition, the skeptic would have to invoke a much more elaborate explanation for why we are experiencing pseudo-shapes and pseudo-locations. This leaves the skeptical argument at a major disadvantage when assessed by IBE’s requirement for simplicity, allowing for the mundane proposition to be deemed the better explanation because of its capability to explain things “as they are” instead of “why they appear to be as they are but really are

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