
Skin Cancer: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Even though Simoncini has lost his practicing license and is fighting to get it back. However, dozens of clinics and hospitals that still implement the cancer fight tactics that he used. They way in which Simoncini treats cancer is by bringing the sodium bicarbonate in direct contact with the tumor. A treatment cycle is only six treatment, then 6 days off, this is repeated four times. The side effect of this treatment includes thirst and weakness.

The treatment for skin cancer and psoriasis is approached by a 7% iodine tincture that is spread on the affected area, 20-30 times once a day, this is to create a crust like layer. By letting this site on the affected area, it will treat cancer and psoriasis and will be gone!

Here is a simple test to see if you have Candida overgrowth: …show more content…

As soon as you wake up work up a good amount of saliva, then spit into the water. Check on the water every 15 minutes for up to an hour, if you see stringy trails from the surface of the saliva dangling down, tiny cloudy spots suspended in water, the saliva is on the bottom of the glass as a blob and is intact. This reaction is normal, as most people have candida, what we are checking for is how long it takes to see any of this reactions. If the result happened within the first few minutes then you have candida overgrowth, the longer it takes the less infected you are. If there is no reaction that you can see then you are free from candida overgrowth. There are several natural remedies to treat candida overgrowth or if you just want to keep it from getting out of

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