
Slavery And Its Impact On Society Essay

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Although slavery and segregation laws are obsolete, racial inequality remains visible within our society. Throughout the course readings, one thing is for sure: the slave trade is the primary cause of racial inequality from 1500 to the present. Those sold into slavery become the property and a product of violence. Moreover, throughout the 15th to mid-18th centuries, slavery caused people to despise those who looked different from them, based on skin color. Slavery has caused numerous gaps among the privileged white community and minorities who have a history of slavery. This created a divided society based on skin color, with effects that continue to be a small part of our contemporary world.
On all accounts in history, colonization created the system of the slave trade, in order to help build the economic foundations of established colonies. However, doing so left the victims of this trade with a legacy of limited potential. For instance, past colonization has influenced disproportionate distributions of income in South Africa, the lowest on the continent. “Colonialism has left South Africa with a legacy of migrant labor, particularly among workers in the gold and diamond mine…” As a result, it guarantees poverty concerning the majority of the black African population, in contrast with the history of wealth and prosperity of the white population in Africa. Also, white supremacy is visible throughout the colonization of foreign nations. The European colonists did not want

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