
Slavery And The United States

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The Unites States during the 1850s was a harsh time for African Americans, not only were they treated extremely harsh; but many of them were slaves as well. Slavery was the topic of every discussion during this time period and the United States was literally split on the issue of slavery. A lot of the Southern States wanted to continue slavery because it was a way of life. Many of the southerners depend on slavery to help grow and harvest crops that were on acres and acres of land. Northerns, on the other hand were against slavery. Slavery to them were not only inhumane, but Northerns rarely depended on slaves. Abolitionists were present throughout the United States, they created escape routes and safe houses for slaves who wanted to escape. The Underground Railroad was a prime example of this, not only was this risky for the slaves themselves but it was also risky for the people who helped them along the way. With the Fugitive Slave Act in full affect, Abolitionist were indeed breaking the ‘law’; but for equality for everyone no matter the skin color was a risk many were willing to take and die for.

One of the most influential abolitionist during the late 1850s was John Brown and Fredrick Douglas. John Brown was born in Torrington, Connecticut, in 1800 but later moved to various parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York. John Brown was a man who hated slavery, later in life he met Fredrick Douglas in Springfield, Massachusetts were he told Fredrick Douglas

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