
Slavery Dbq

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Through the 1800 hundreds and the early 1900 many minorities were being oppressed and even though the federal government made countless attempts to bring equality, equality was never brought to them. Through the many attempts the government to eliminate slavery and racism blacks, women, and other minorities were constantly oppressed. Slavery was the founding ideology that lead to the unfair treatment of blacks for many years. This same unfair treatment was spread throughout women and Indians in different forms. This issue of civil liberties was attempted to be fixed by the government but the issue was ultimately bigger than the promises the government made to fix it. While the civil liberties of the nation presented the promise of preservation and maintenance of liberty, problems that emerged made it so that this ideal was not met because even with the actions the government took both the states and the people still found ways to commit racist actions. Slavery was the birth of racism in the U.S. Through the south slavery …show more content…

Many blacks try to flee the South to the north where segregation was not required but still was present. Even after slavery was deemed illegal and unconstitutional segregation throughout the United States did not disappear. One of the most prevalent forms of segregation was in public services including schools hospitals public transportation and other public venues. In the South for many states, there were two schools one for African American children and one for white children. This system of having supper facilities for each race was seen throughout hospitals prisons trains and buses. The government was attempting to delivered and protect all citizens is civil liberties but as seen through these Jim Crow laws the oppression of African-Americans was not ended when slavery was

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