
Slavery as the Cause of the American Civil War Essay

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The American Civil War was the bloodiest military conflict in American history leaving over 500 thousand dead and over 300 thousand wounded (Roark 543-543). One might ask, what caused such internal tension within the most powerful nation in the world? During the nineteenth century, America was an infant nation, but toppling the entire world with its social, political, and economic innovations. In addition, immigrants were migrating from their native land to live the American dream (Roark 405-407). Meanwhile, hundreds of thousand African slaves were being traded in the domestic slave trade throughout the American south. Separated from their family, living in inhumane conditions, and working countless hours for days straight, the issue of …show more content…

For instance, the Slave Trade Act of 1807 which prohibited the importation of slaves to America, but did not stop domestic slave trading. This picture of slavery did not upset many Northerners as Harriet Beecher Stowe’s depiction (Roark 340-341). For the most part, the North took a laissez faire approach to slavery that it would figure itself out eventually. However, there was a population of people who wanted to end slavery at all cost and they were called abolitionist. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist and she published one of the best books in American history, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, in 1852. The book detailed the poor treatment of slaves and the depicted their everyday life. This depiction enraged many Northerners who were unaware of the horrible treatment slaves endured daily. Stowe based her depiction off runaway slaves who ran to the North and told their story as a slave. Runaway slaves were another inevitable aspect of the Civil War (Roark 481,484-485). In response to slaves running north for freedom, the US Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, an extension of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, which granted owners the right to recapture their slaves and place them back in slavery. This was a controversial issue because slave owners could hire a bounty hunter to capture slaves, or in most instances, capture a free African

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