
Sleep Dealer The Father Thing Analysis

Decent Essays

Science fiction has contributed to shaping us as a society in lots of different ways. I believe that it has supplied ideas of technology such as: iPhones, laptops, tablets, etc. Somewhere an author is writing about something that we think would be impossible to create, but will most likely become a reality someday. There are devices now for things as simple as reading a book. Yes, some aspects of these ideas are much easier than carrying around your books, however, what does this mean for paper books, and book stores? The idea of an object doing something to make life easier for us, is more than appealing to people. It is our instinct to want to get things done—and get them done quickly. There are the select few people that stick to the traditional way of doing things, but it’s rare for you to find someone who completely lives by this. It is easy for people to make distinctions between robots and humans when they’re asked, but when the actual thing is standing in front of you it won’t be as easy. Is there really as much of a difference between us as we think there is? There are devices for almost anything that you’re going to do. When you go running you can bring your phone that will easily track your distance, and some can even tell you how much weight you’ve lost. In the movie Sleep …show more content…

It was strange to me that it was so easy for his father’s body to be taken captive, and how similarly the other thing was acting to his father. His son noticed the difference, but there’s a large chance that nobody else would. If you were to go out and tell somebody that your father had been replaced, you would be called crazy. This is something that came up again in Project Kara. Once the robot started to show emotion, there was little to no difference between her and a real girl. When you’re asked if you can tell the difference between a human and a robot, you’re prone to say that yes, of course you could. But could you

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