
Slut Shaming In America

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In modern day or young adult culture open relationships and one night stands are becoming increasingly acceptable. Society has lost its lust for true love and gained an experimental state of mind. Does this constitute a problem, or just convey human nature? Should people in America wait for marriage or confirm that what happens under the sheets should be something to take pleasure in and live with eternally? Perhaps, people should be liberated to decide for his or herself. Different religions and home lives produce diversity in beliefs. Every person should have the decision to sleep around, be abstinent or anything in between with no judgment of fellow citizens. America owns the title of the “freedom country” after all, right? With freedom, however, comes immense responsibility. Slut-shaming has become a real issue in the United States of America. People do not support others decisions to have sex with numerous people. Women and even men are often shamed for having sex with multiple people. "She's a whore," "What a tool," "Did you hear who that slut slept with?" Americans are given the freedom to have sex with whoever they decide; however, when they exercise the freedom, they are put into a category of less class. If an individual wants to explore the variety our world offers, …show more content…

Abstinence is a remarkable topic to be taught, however, should not be the only choice taught, and it’s impractical to expect the youth to hold out until marriage. Abstinence, along with STD and pregnancy prevention is imperative for the youth in the nation. It is factual that accepting promiscuity as part of our culture might cause a rise in STD's, teen pregnancy, and Aid’s. These increases are the reason we must begin early in educating children about the diseases, how to prevent them, and how to practice safe sex. Schools are insane for not lecturing the importance, or proper use of

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