
Small Group Meeting Analysis

Decent Essays

It is no secret that the larger the group, the harder to get everyone in sync becomes. Although being part of a group who had six members, we did manage to work together efficiently, even when one of our members left us for most of the time without saying a word. Our meetings consisted more than just the time we got in the class, we did set aside days where all or most of us could make it. In total, we did manage to make three meetings, only of which I personally attended two of those meetings. Even then, when one did not attend, the group would share the information we gathered or plans that had been discussed to everyone so everybody was in the same boat. As to me when I missed one meeting, I was told through the group chat what had happened and how we were …show more content…

For the most part, we had decided to work on our own individual parts that we found interesting and related to the topic, so we knew what we would be talking about. Although the rare incident where someone was assigned a random portion of work if they were not present since it would be the only available piece. It seemed fair to have people pick the portions as first come first serve, or if they believe they we could benefit if one did a specific part. This was the case with myself, in which I believed I could do the presentation for the group, therefore, I was assigned the role to do the PowerPoint.
This method did benefit us since we all selected the sections we would have liked to work in. Granting, it was a team assignment, so we could not do the whole project by ourselves. We did have to communicate with one another to verify certain actions before doing them. The verification of our actions was usually just to confirm that we were on the same page and had everyone on an even playing field. As far as group communication, we did it in an overall appropriate manner which causes very little confusing on the transfusion of

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