
Smoking And Smoking

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Smoking has a negative effect on the health of smokers because people are more susceptible to lung cancer and it shortens lives of individuals. Cigarettes are the main contributor of decline in lung function (Thomson et al., 2004, 822). They are made out of toxins and oxidative chemicals (Leopold et al., 2009, 1). The alternative to cigarettes are e-cigarettes, which gained popularity due to producing same satisfaction as cigarettes, but not containing tobacco which provides lung cancer (Fine, 2014, 2). Nicotine, however; is an addictive substance and is in both e-cigarettes (Fine, 2014, 1) and cigarettes. It is an alkaloid which has nitrogen and is made from plants. E-cigarettes have heavy metal like tin and nickel which hurts the lungs …show more content…

After 30 minutes, the food vacuoles of the cell get discharged via the cytoproct toward the extracellular space (Bozzone,1999,136).
Drugs have a poor effect on Tetrahymena cells. Previous research has used dibucaine, a type of drug that illustrates the fact that drugs remove cilia from the cells (Thompson, 1974, 255). This gives a sense that drugs remove the cilia on the Tetrahymena cell. When the Tetrahymena cell is exposed to a lot nicotine, Tetrahymena tends to stop feeding. This was proven in prior studies which suggested that phagocytosis is disturbed when cells are exposed to nicotine (Pomorski, 2004, 1994). More nicotine in cells is proportionally related to more cilia loss. This was found to be true when researchers studied the effect of nicotine in mice. They realized that mice exposed to smoke for 1.5 months had similar amounts of cilia for a mouse that was not exposed to nicotine, while a mouse exposed to nicotine for 12 months had almost a complete loss of cilia (Simet et al., 2010, 637). Cilia length decreases as more nicotine gets into the cell over time as seen in smokers which affects functions of the cell (Leopold et al., 2009,5). Different organisms exposed to nicotine produce similar effects to that of Tetrahymena. The unicellular eukaryote Amoeba proteus went through changes when exposed to nicotine like contractions, protrusions and blebbing and then the

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