
Social And Economic Development Of Rio De Janeiro

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3) The Dashed Hopes of UPP Social (and its counterparts) The overall aim of the UPP is to integrate the favelas to the larger city (World Bank 2012). Once the community was pacified, the government could enter and provide goods and services. Therefore, since its origin, the program UPP Social was subordinated to the UPPs, meaning that only pacified favelas would receive it (Bentsi-Enchill, Goodenough and Berger 2015). In partnership with UN-Habitat, UPP Social was meant to accomplish the following aims: contribute to the consolidation of the peace process and the promotion of local citizenship in pacified territories; promote urban, social and economic development; carry out the full integration of these areas into the city (Rio Mais …show more content…

This explains why they overwhelmingly support Lula and Dilma Rousseff in the current political and economic crisis, unlike the rest of the population (Caulyt and Malkes 2016; Favela 247 2016). However, due to the rising living costs in the pacified favelas (Oosterban and Van Hijk 2015), the Bolsa Família does not provide a support that would be sufficient to overcome clientelism. Moreover, the Bolsa Família is often blamed for not giving voice to civil society (Hevia 2011), therefore participatory policies are generally preferred. Residents’ Awareness and Participation in the Elaboration of Projects Residents are overall unaware of the activities undertaken by UPP Social. They associate it with social events organized by the UPPs. As a consequence, many residents did not want to take part in the activities, as they associated UPP Social with the police. To overcome the misunderstandings, the program was renamed “Rio + Social” in 2014 (Fernandes 2014). However, the change in name did not improve the services offered, and residents’ views are not taken into account when mapping needs of the community. Evidence from interviews showed that few residents could describe was doing for their community. Indeed, it appears that the program is limited to the organization of social events. For example, Mirian, Human

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