
Social Class in Uk

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Social Class in UK
The term “social class” is in UK is a controversial issue,David J Lee said “ The use of the concept class in sociology has come under attack ”, which having many definitions. And as the tile shows, there are even disagreements over its very existence. Before we get into the details, at least, let us look at one definition. “Social class “is a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories(Grant, J. Andrew (2001). Encyclopedia of International Political Economy ).British society had social class since the beginning of the history, and the issue of social class was thoroughly examined …show more content…

Marx thinks that the limited power of the worker is the base of the exploitation and the reason for the conflict. He also believe that both of the class has their own wariness of the situation and unequal states, they know their social position and why it is the way it is. But appearance of calm is the result of the “education of the capitalists”. The workers are told they world works this way and it is unchangeable, the both parties are compatible with each other. And he suggests that workers need to be reeducated to gain control of the mind. Then there will be confrontation and gaining of leverage in asking for better treatment or even revolution to put an end to the very existence of “class”. The radical solution comes from careful philosophical thinking.
Weber 's analysis of class likes Marx 's. The difference is he sees the social classes as more complex classes, and he argues about social stratification in social class with wider meaning. Weber argues, Marx’s famous dictum that 'Class . . . is ultimately market situation ' should be read in the light of his methodological individualism, with the result that class analysis reduces to a 'weak ' rump of residual questions about natural inequality and

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