
Social Concepts Of Social Psychology In The Shawshank Redemption

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Prison is a place that is known to have its own community and culture. Prisoners are often known to be subject to violence, sexual assaults, maltreatment, and constantly self-guarded.
One of the most famous psychological studies, the Stanford Prison experiment conducted by Philip Zimabardo, attempts to show how social roles influence our behavior. “Guards” in the study quickly assumed distressing behavior resulting in the experiment to be terminated after six days. “Zimbardo today maintains that the balance of power in prisons is so unequal that they tend to be brutal places, unless the guards observe strict regulations, to curb their worst impulses.” (Gilovich, Keltner, Chen, Nisbett, Social Psychology Fourth Edition Pg.7) The environment in a prison exhibits three major social psychology concepts that can be easily discerned through the fictional film The Shawshank Redemption. The main character demonstrates concepts of social psychology through his relationships, persuasion techniques, and encounters with aggression.
The Shawshank Redemption is a period drama about a banker named Andy Dufresne who is accused and wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. In 1947, Andy begins a life sentence at the Shawshank prison where he befriends another inmate named Red. During the span of Andy’s confinement he comes to be admired by other inmates for his likable unabashed nature and impressive moral compass. Andy has a rough first few years, as anyone in a prison scenario

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