
Social Conflict Theory Paper

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Criminology is a multi-disciplinary profession that encompasses systematic scientific research to study crime and criminals. Criminology consists of countless topics and theories. One of the most popular debated topics in criminology today is the application of Social Conflict Theories as they are related to crime. One of the key ideologies be hide any social conflict theory is the conflict perspective. This standpoint states that societal or social conflict can never truly be resolved because it riddled with tension and strife (Turner, n.d.). One of the most notorious writers on social conflict was Karl Marx a nineteenth century sociologist. Marx was a revolutionist and heavily sought to dismantle big business and capitalism (History, …show more content…

The bourgeoisie were the “have” the who owned manufacturing companies and had high social economic status. While the proletariats are the “have nots” who were people of low social economic status, and had only their labor to make a living. Marx saw this an inevitable side effect of the capitalist’s system and eventually it would crumble, fall apart, and repeat (Schmalleger, 2015).
Today, there are several different constructs of social conflict theories that are in some form or fashion being used. There is radical criminology, left- realist criminology, feminist criminology, peacemaking criminology to name a few. Radical criminology maintains the idea that those with higher social economic status have political influence and are alienating and subjectify those with a lower social economic status (Schmalleger, 2015). Radical criminology, as one might guess, is also called Marxist …show more content…

Where the solution to further crime is based on the restoration of the community, the victim, and the offender (Schmalleger, 2015). The balanced and restorative justice model explains how all three these subunits of society can be balanced and restored. The first is accountability where any loss to the victim or the community will be restored by the offender (Schmalleger, 2015). The second that community protection where the community has the right to be secure therefore the justice system must provide the intervention methods to the offender (Schmalleger, 2015). The last is competency development where the idea that when the offender leaves the justice system they can be a productive member of society (Schmalleger, 2015). These three ideas are the fundaments to help further prevent and reduce crime with peaceful resolution

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